Heart to Heart: Sending money


Sending money
Dear Hillary,
I apologize for my not so good English. Here my problem. Is it possible that letters from Germany are not arriving at the right target? I meet a nice Thai girl on my last holiday and the friendship between us deepens. I write in the meantime several letters to my girlfriend and she write me back. And we have no problems until now. The last letter I wrote in June but getting no answer. Inside the letter I put 2,000 baht and some pictures. I called to my girl at the bar but she said there is no letter coming from me. What will I do? Your newspaper is my only help for my heartbreak situation. I talk with other people who stay in Thailand before and they tell me that some girls are simply lying. But I am really desperate and I only want to know what is true or not, because I love her very much. Have maybe somebody of the post staff stolen the letter or anybody else? So I want to know your meaning about this sadden situation. I thank you and I look forward to an answer from you.
Postal Pavel

Dear Pavel,
Don’t worry about your English as your emotions came through very plainly (and painfully too). Unfortunately, I have heard from many people that letters containing money go missing. The answer is to disguise the fact that there may be money in the letter by putting it inside a card or a small magazine. That way when the letter is held up to a bright light you cannot see the money inside. Perhaps it might also be better to save your money so that you can get over here more often, but really Petal, you should transfer money electronically, which you can do straight into her bank account. Ask your bank to do it for you in Germany. I don’t think your girlfriend is lying, nobody sends money in a letter any longer.

When is a home a guest house?
Dear Hillary,
With the new government regulations, I am a little perturbed. I have house guests coming from back home very frequently. I’ve had five sets this year and it looks like there are more coming for Xmas. If I had nothing else to do other than entertain old friends then it would be fine, but I am employed, so I have to do as well. I don’t want to give old friends the cold shoulder, and I don’t want to be arrested for running a guest house, but I’m at my wits end, honestly! What should I do?
Guesthouse Gert

Dear Gert,
Getting lots of house guests is a very common problem when you live in a place that other people save for 11 months to come and visit. It is also very normal for your old friends to want to see you, and possibly save some money by staying with you. As far as the legislation is concerned, that is to cover commercial enterprises, and I don’t think you are charging your old friends for staying in your spare room, are you? Or are you? You actually have the other answer already when you called yourself “Guesthouse” Gert. To make it easier for you and for them, tell your friends that as you have other work to do, you will leave everything out for them for their breakfast and then you will meet them for dinner at 7 p.m. and do things together from there. I am sure your friends will appreciate that even though they are on holidays, you are not. They need time to themselves too and will be grateful for the chances to explore on their own. Have some brochures in the room with suggested trips like the Nong Nuch and let them take it from there. They will be happy you can do your work, and you can enjoy each other’s company at night. Just think about it, but don’t get one of those nice wooden signs with “Gert’s Guest House” carved into it. The authorities might get the wrong impression

Lipstick on the collar
Dear Hillary,
My husband who works for a large multinational was transferred here 6 months ago, and the time has been sheer bliss till recently. We went to restaurants and did everything together. However, of late he has been going to Bangkok for business and having meetings running till late in the evening. I was prepared to accept these meetings till last week when the maid showed me lipstick on his collar. I do understand there are some beautiful women in Pattaya and I am 58 years old and have had 9 children. Do I confront him and fear the worst or just let it go?

Dear Terri,
You are still in residence as lady of the manor so maybe it is a matter of waiting it out. However, you should understand that a beer at the bar has young Thai women on duty to convince older men to buy them a drink. It may be more productive to state mildly that you prefer you both spend more time together and that the maid was unable to get the lipstick off his shirt. Certainly insist on accompanying him on any business trips to Bangkok. Good luck.
