PCEC adopts new logo


The Pattaya City Expats Club chair, Pat Koester, unveiled the PCEC’s new logo at their Sunday, March 16 meeting. The PCEC board of governors had designated a logo selection committee and tasked them to evaluate and select a new logo design that was stylish, simple, and contained the PCEC initials.

Design ideas were solicited from the membership over a 3 month period. The selection committee chair Roy Albiston explained how the selection process was conducted so that the committee members would evaluate the designs without knowing who submitted the design. Also, no one who submitted a design could be on the selection committee.

PCEC chair Pat Koester and logo selection committee chair Roy Albiston unveil the PCEC’s new logo to the members. (Photo by Urasin Khantaraphan)PCEC chair Pat Koester and logo selection committee chair Roy Albiston unveil the PCEC’s new logo to the members. (Photo by Urasin Khantaraphan)

Roy said the committee initially narrowed the 25 submissions down to five, then to two, then to a final design. Pat then identified the person who submitted the winning design as club member Darrel Vaught, who would receive a one year free membership as his prize.

The PCEC thanked those that submitted designs and is grateful to the selection committee for evaluating them and selecting a winning design. The committee consisted of board members Pat Koester, Roy Albiston, and Lawrie McLoughlin plus two members, Ian Frame, and Tom Loughney. The club’s new logo will be rolled out over the next few months on the club’s website, newsletter, banner, signs, and other items