Ukraine envoy pitches closer ties with Pattaya

Pavlo Orel (4th left) charge d’affaires and the interim ambassador of Ukraine is welcomed to Pattaya City Hall by deputy mayors Banlue Kullavanijaya and Manote Nongyai for a brief discussion on topics of mutual benefit.

Ukraine’s interim ambassador pitched closer ties during his first visit to Pattaya.

Pavlo Orel, charge d’affaires and the interim ambassador, met Oct. 30 with Pattaya deputy mayors Banlue Kullavanijaya and Manote Nongyai.

The agenda covered a briefing about Thailand’s Nov. 1 reopening, development of a sister-city relationship and student-exchange programs.

Thailand and Ukraine citizens can visit each other’s country for 30 days: Ukrainians with just a passport and Thais with an electronic visa.