Regional police bust online casino brazenly operating in central Pattaya

Four people were arrested when regional police raided a two-story townhouse on Soi Arunothai 11 in central Pattaya being used as an online casino.

A female homeowner and three other men were arrested when regional police raided a central Pattaya house being used as an online casino.

Supawadee Reungdej, the 33-year-old owner of the two-story townhouse on Soi Arunothai 11, and the three unidentified gamblers were taken into custody Aug. 31. All were charged with illegal gambling, while Supawadee was additionally charged with running an illegal casino and enticing others to gamble.

Provincial cyber police said the casino had been operating for months under the noses of Pattaya cops. It is now being investigated to determine if it is tied to larger online gambling networks.

Supawadee said she and her live-in boyfriend set up 18 computers to allow people to come and gamble online. She admitted she took a cut of all their wagers, earning up to 10,000 baht a day. About four or five gamblers a day visited.

Provincial cyber police impounded 18 desktop computers and said they believed the casino had been operating for months under the noses of Pattaya cops.