Pattaya-Jomtien locals go to press with low-hanging wire gripes

A lone foreigner walks warily along a cable-infested fence along Jomtien Beach Road hoping the wires are not live.

Jomtien Beach residents went to the media after their complaints about low-hanging wires were ignored by Pattaya City Hall.

Residents of Jomtien Soi 8 showed reporters photos of cable-television, internet, and telephone lines that fell onto fences, people’s homes and sidewalks. Locals fear the cables not only could catch fire, but pose risks to pedestrians and motorcyclists.

Residents said the large bundles of unorganized wires also are causing some utility poles to lean. If they fall, they could kill someone, they said.

The wire problem is a long-running one on the soi and residents said they had complained many times to city hall, but nothing was done. They hope media attention will prompt civil servants to do their jobs.

A food cart vendor sets up shop under rolled and twisted cables at the corner of Soi 8 on Jomtien Beach Road.