Jomtien Immigration crowded out again

The busiest time at Jomtien Immigration is around opening time. Afternoons are often quieter.

The double public holiday on Monday and Wednesday of this week produced the typical early morning immigration surge Thursday morning with 100 people already in line by opening time at 08.30. The busiest counters were to report 90 days residence in the kingdom and to request extensions of stay because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Social distancing and mask wearing were generally in evidence in advance of a temperature check. After receiving a queue number at the front desk, foreigners are able to take a seat in the covered car park, if necessary, to avoid overcrowding inside. A loudspeaker facility announces the next number for each counter. Nonetheless, the immigration bureau remains one of the most “popular” venues in greater Pattaya and one of the few public service outlets still operating normally.