Jomtien bar owners gripe to Pattaya mayoral candidate

Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn (center left) met with Lisa Hamilton (center right) along with other bar & restaurant owners to listen to requests for extending business hours beyond 11 p.m. and the matter of too many police checkpoints on the roads.

Mayoral candidate Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn met Friday with Jomtien Beach bar owners to hear their complaints about early closing times, alcohol-sales limits and police checkpoints.

Sinchai Wattanasartsathorn of the Pattaya Ruam Jai group met with Lisa Hamilton, chairwoman of the night business operators club, at her Lisa Guesthouse, along with other owners.

The operators reiterated their frequent complaints about Pattaya bars and restaurants not being able to sell alcohol after 11 p.m., which police also enforce as a required closing time, despite it not actually being required by law.

Police, they complained, also are overstepping their authority by putting so many checkpoints on roads leading in and out of Pattaya, frustrating Thai tourists who wish to visit the city.

Finally, the bar owners suggested Pattaya needs more berths for luxury yachts.

Sinchai, who has heard all of this before many times while he sat on the Pattaya City Council, listened politely and promised to do what he can, although all the things they griped about are out of the control of Pattaya or Chonburi administrators.