Green Pattaya digs in for 26th cleaning


The Kasetsin Soi 5 area is overrun with garbage, and even though a small team of Green Pattaya worked for 3 hours and collected 40 bags of rubbish, there are piles of refuse left. Pattaya City needs to wake up and start catching people who dump their garbage there.

City fathers need to come up with a plan and implement it to create green clean areas around the city before everything is lost. Green Pattaya can only do so much, being a nonprofit, small, grass roots organization through Rotary.

Piles of garbage all along the soi.Piles of garbage all along the soi.

More volunteers are needed, as are funds and media coverage. Without the support of the people that call Pattaya home we are fighting a lost cause. If you want to help in anyway please send us a message. For Kasetsin Soi 5 we need to get back a few more times before the area is clean.

Take a look at this Google map showing the garbage:,100. 862154,3a,75y,156.42h,86.29t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sNx OJQpQuH4ekObhq_5xO8 w! 2e0!6m1!1e1?hl=en

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