Chonburi man kills stepson over loud music

Pairat Saelim (right) confesses to police that he shot his stepson because he was drinking and playing loud music while he was trying to sleep.

An infuriated stepfather shot dead his stepson for playing loud music while he was trying to sleep.

Police in Bo Thong district of Chonburi province said Pairat Saelim, 58, confessed to the shooting that left Prasert Santalunai, 36, dead of a shotgun blast to chest in his front yard July 28. He was shot from only a meter away.

Pairat told police he had raised Prasert since he was an infant and loved him like his biological son, but the man often got drunk and played loud music. They often fought about it, but, previously, Prasert’s mother would intervene.

This time, however, Boonma Kaewkum, 58, was at her sister’s house down the street. She told police she heard the shouting and then the shotgun blast.

Pairat said his stepson had dared him to shoot him if he didn’t like the music. So he did. Police charged Pairat with murder.