Lobster Thermidor and French champagne!


Dear Hillary,

Lots of your readers seem to have problems getting the right girl.  My problem is I’ve got too many of them.  There’s two in my office and they are both great looking girls.  I know that if I take one out then I won’t be able to get the other one to go out, and as sure as hell they’d talk to each other.  They both look as if they are interested in me, but I need to get to know them a bit better, so where do I go from here?


Dear Roger,

I wish every problem was as easy to solve as yours, Petal.  In fact it is so obvious I am amazed that you had to write to me.  You want to see what they are like out of the office, which one is more suitable, more compatible, etc., etc.  Simple, invite them both out!  This way they both can feel comfortable with the arrangement.  No jealousy or talking in the lunch room.  Go to dinner somewhere and sit back and enjoy their company.  Very quickly you will see which one orders the lobster Thermidor and wants expensive cocktails, and which one orders food and drink while thinking of your wallet!  After that first evening you then carry on with the one that fits your ideals.  Best of luck, and I hope neither of them wants French champagne.