Living here cheaply


Dear Hillary,

(In reply to Scotty’s problem of being broke and in Australia, brought the following words of advice from Jimmy.)  Scotty, your Australian age pension is enough to live on here.  After you have been here about a month the government stops paying your supplement allowance.  That leaves you B. 48000 to live on.  There are many places you can rent here for about B.1000 a month.  If you can come up with another B. 19000 there are places who will get you a Retirement Visa, doing away with visa runs. 90 day immigration checks for free.  Don’t have the air fare? Get a MasterCard and pay it off over a few months.  If you are an Alky stay home.  I maybe don’t have all the answers but I have lived here many many years.


Dear Jimmy,

I am not so sure you have all the answers either, Petal.  I am told by retired Aussies living here that they cannot get their Australian pension paid in Thailand, unlike the British pensioners who can.  Retirement visas are not free, and you have to have large sums in the bank, which Scotty does not have.