Life partner with a working girl?


Dear Hillary,

Thai girls are wonderful, especially the working bar girls!  They are a delight to be with, laugh easily, treat you as if you are special.  Of course, it is their business … so what!  Treat them with respect and tenderness and most will respond in kind.  I have been married to a Thai girl for 7+ years.  She is the best.  We are happy together in USA.

Yankee Doodle

Dear Yankee Doodle,

You are correct, the bar girls generally are a delight to be with, and dole out special treatment at the drop of a wallet.  However, from the long term point of view (as opposed to the “long time” point of view), you have to be sure that your prospective life’s partner does not look upon your relationship as an ongoing part of the business.  If you can get over that hurdle, you probably can go for years.  But “Festina Lente” (hasten slowly) and “Caveat Emptor” (let the buyer beware)!