Hello sexy man


Hi Hillary,

Your comments to some farangs are interesting, and mostly true; this American guy who goes to bars and want to have his beer with silence, has come to wrong city, he should have seen it in first day arrival to Pattaya (luckily he didn’t come same time with the Songkran festival).Girls who work in bars hardly can’t say no more English than “Where do you come from?”It is their work to try to be friendly, speak to customers and smile, if you answer them, you show that you are friendly too, but I assure you, they forget you and your answers after you walk away from bars.These women come usually from the poorest areas in Thailand, and behind those smiles can hide a bigger tragedy than a farang can imagine, some can’t even read or write.I met my wife, Yupa Thaikham (name means Thai smile), in Pattaya many years ago.We are happy, she can still smile, even she lives in cold Finland.We visit Thailand, and Pattaya too, yearly, but still we have seen arrogant, sometimes even violent behavior to Thai girls made by stupid farang men.Happy Songkran to all Pattaya Mail readers,


Dear Aarno,

You are correct when you write about the girls in the bars, saying “It is their work to try to be friendly”, but unfortunately many men visiting these bars confuse the ‘work’ with true love.Fishermen would say these chaps were committing suicide on the hook.If only the men who write in realized the girl is just doing her job, it would make life so much easier for them.

Happy Songkran (two months from now) to you both.