Pattaya media observe National Press Day

Pattaya-area journalists celebrated their trade at the annual National Press Day party March 5 at Green Park Resort Pattaya.
Pattaya-area journalists celebrated their trade at the annual National Press Day party March 5 at Green Park Resort Pattaya.

Pattaya-area journalists celebrated their trade at the annual National Press Day party at Green Park Resort Pattaya.

Samart Thongrod, president of the Pattaya Press Association, welcomed members to the March 5 celebration attended by top local police and government officials.

Everyone enjoyed a large buffet and beverages while relaxing on Thailand’s big holiday for media types.

As usual, sponsors also donated prizes for a lucky draw and the association handed out scholarships for children of association members.

National Press Day commemorates the founding of the Reporters Association of Thailand on March 5. On March 4, 1999, the association merged with the Thailand Newspaper Association to become the Thai Journalists Association.

Pattaya Press Association President Samart Thongrod and his team step down to await elections for a new association board.
Pattaya Press Association President Samart Thongrod and his team step down to await elections for a new association board.


Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh presents an award to Pattaya Mail reporter Jetsada Homklin.
Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh presents an award to Pattaya Mail reporter Jetsada Homklin.
Pattaya Press Association Advisor Chaiyod Phupattanapong presents an award to Nation reporter Somball.
Pattaya Press Association Advisor Chaiyod Phupattanapong presents an award to Nation reporter Somball.

Uncle Dao from Thipmanee accepts an award from Samart
Uncle Dao from Thipmanee accepts an award from Samart

Sak Srichang and Samart Thongrod.


Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh presents as award to Nong Ong from Sophon Cable.
Deputy Mayor Ronakit Ekasingh presents as award to Nong Ong from Sophon Cable.
Pol. Col. Pattanachai Pamornpiboon, Banglamung Police Station Superintendent, and Samart Thongrod, President of Pattaya Press Association, present an award to Ton, reporter from BTV.
Pol. Col. Pattanachai Pamornpiboon, Banglamung Police Station Superintendent, and Samart Thongrod, President of Pattaya Press Association, present an award to Ton, reporter from BTV.