Relief measures permit selected businesses in Pattaya-Thailand to open on May 3


Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman of the government’s Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) announced this morning that some relief measures for 6 types of businesses and activities will become effective from May 3 onwards.

Dr. Taweesin said the relaxations in the following are the guidelines for every provincial governor. Some relaxations can be tighter in some provinces but all of them cannot be below the Public Health’s required standard.

Procedures such as regular cleaning on all kinds of surfaces of every tools and equipment and places before and after the activities must be strictly followed. All must wear face masks, wash their hands with soap or gel, and keep physical distance of at least 1 meter.


The 6 types of businesses that are in the relaxed measures control list include:

  1. Markets include fresh markets, general markets, floating markets, community markets, walking street markets, and street vendors.
  2. Food businesses include general restaurants, drinks shops, sweets and Ice-cream shops (outside shopping malls), street food vendors, fixed food carts, and mobile food carts.
  3. Whole-sales supermarkets, convenience shops with sitting or standing spaces, mobile shopping trucks, community retail shops, telecommunication shops.
  4. Sports and public park activities such as Tai Chi Chuan, outdoor sports such as tennis, shooting, archery, bicycling, golf, and driving range.
  5. Barbers and salons (hair cut, wash and dry only)
  6. Animals fur trimming and animal nursery

CCSA will evaluate every 14 days to seek for more relaxed measures on more businesses if the situation improves. (TNA)