Deadline passes for Chiang Mai flying lantern registration

Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization President Chalit Thipkham and Chiang Mai’s city, police and PAO officials inspect a lantern seller, checking for proper registration.

Friday marked the deadline for Chiang Mai retailers to register to sell flying lanterns for this year’s Loy Krathong Yi Peng Festival.

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Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization President Chalit Thipkham and Chiang Mai’s city, police and PAO officials inspected lantern sellers Oct. 15, checking registrations before the deadline.

The flying lanterns must be made of natural materials, be 90 centimeters in diameter or less, and no longer than 140 cm.

Lantern sales are highly regulated, as they pose serious risks to aviation. Flying lanterns are prohibited around Chiang Mai International Airport for all but six hours Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 and completely banned within the flight path and near the airport grounds.

Lantern sales are allowed in outer areas, but sellers must register in advance.

The flying lights also must be made of natural materials, be 90 centimeters in diameter or less and no longer than 140 cm. It also must have a serial number so it can be tracked back to the retailer if necessary.

Each krathong must have a serial number so it can be tracked back to the retailer if necessary.