Ministry of Foreign Affairs intensifies efforts to evacuate Thai nationals from Myanmar’s Laukkaing region

The urgency of the situation escalated following a bomb explosion near the refuge area of these citizens.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is intensifying efforts to evacuate Thai nationals, in response to the escalating conflict in Myanmar’s Laukkaing region. A meeting was recently convened to coordinate relief measures for the 293 individuals currently in Myanmar.

Among those stranded, the ministry said 164 are under the care of Myanmar authorities, 18 are working in entertainment venues, and 32 have been released by their employers and are awaiting evacuation. Challenges, however, persist as 53 Thais remain unreleased by their employers, and 26 are unreachable.

41 Thais recently released in Laukkaing are now under the protection of the United Wa State Army. The Thai embassy in Yangon is now working to secure their safe return and is exploring secure evacuation routes.

The urgency of the situation escalated following a bomb explosion near the refuge area of these citizens. Despite efforts, the embassy has not gained access to the area due to security concerns raised by Myanmar authorities. The embassy is currently conducting nationality verification via video calls to facilitate the issuance of travel documents for those awaiting repatriation. (NNT)

Among those stranded, the ministry said 164 are under the care of Myanmar authorities, 18 are working in entertainment venues, and 32 have been released by their employers and are awaiting evacuation.