Live hand grenade found in East Pattaya

A bomb squad officer inspects a hand grenade found lying at the base of an old tree off the railway-parallel road.

A man foraging in East Pattaya found a live hand grenade while searching for insects to feed his fish.

Su Supayuth, 51, called police after spotting the M26 grenade wrapped in black tape lying at the base of an old tree off the railway-parallel road March 31.

Su said he was searching for anthills to use as fish food when he stumbled across the bomb, which explosive ordinance disposal officers said was viable and dangerous.

Bomb squad officers took the bomb to an isolated area and detonated it safely. Police speculated it was tossed into the brush by a motorist who spotted a police checkpoint.

The live M26 grenade had been wrapped in black tape.


Su Supayuth, 51, called police after spotting the live hand grenade in East Pattaya while searching for insects to feed his fish.