3 Pattaya homeless tested, sheltered

Three homeless Pattaya residents were given health checks and a place to sleep as the city moved to improve care for its poorest citizens.
Three homeless Pattaya residents were given health checks and a place to sleep as the city moved to improve care for its poorest citizens.

Three homeless Pattaya residents were given health checks and a place to sleep as the city moved to improve care for its poorest citizens.

A team of public-health and social workers sent the three Thais, who sold trinkets or collected junk to survive, to Pattaya’s coronavirus field hospital at the Grand Bella Hotel to be tested for Covid-19. All tested negative and were transferred to the Chonburi Home for the Destitute.

The three homeless people were a 60-year-old Loei man who used to sell bracelets on Walking Street but now had no money to pay for his apartment, and a 49-year-old Saraburi woman and a 25-year-old Kalasin woman who both picked trash to collect recyclables to sell.

Pattaya has been under fire for ignoring its persistent homeless problem with Chonburi’s governor ordering city hall to solve the problem after city hall booted the homeless of the beach for the coronavirus lockdown but gave them no place to stay. (PCPR)