Thailand’s upper region continues to experience flooding


Authorities in the North and North East of Thailand have been monitoring the flood situation around the clock as continuous rainfall threatens to flood homes and farmlands.


In the northern province of Pichit, water levels in Sub Perb and Wang Daeng canals increased quickly due to surface runoff from the Petchabun mountain ranges. The canals overflowed the embankments and flooded thousands of rais of rice fields in Thub Kho district.

Nakhon Sawan residents stacked up sandbags around their homes and farmlands out of fear that several canals will soon overflow the embankments, if the province experiences more rainfall.

Meanwhile, Uthai Thani Governor Prapat Malakan and related agencies gave out relief bags to flood affected residents. More than 40 villages in four sub-district of Uthai Thani province have so far been damaged by the deluge.

Sukhothai Governor Piti Kaewsalubsee held a meeting with provincial authorities to develop a contingency plan should the water levels in the Yom River reach a critical point.

The water has also been diverted to a retention area nearby in an effort to prevent flooding in riverside communities. An emergency team is now on standby to provide immediate rescue to those in need.