Up to 38,000 foreign laborers verified by OSS centers last week


Bangkok – One Stop Service (OSS) Centers set up to register foreign laborers in Thailand have reported nearly 38,000 registrations over the first week of operation, with the Ministry of Labor encouraging workers to verify their nationalities and undertake health checks at the centers as soon as possible.

The OSS centers have been in operation across the country for over a week with 10 of the centers in Bangkok alone. Of the 38,000 migrant workers who have already been to register, 11,964 were Cambodian workers, 1,581 Laotian and 24,455 were from Myanmar.

There are still 441,299 workers who must verify their nationality and undergo health checks at the centers to be permitted to work legally. Of the total, 190,233 are Cambodian, 38,604 are Laotian and 212,462 are from Myanmar.

Bangkok centers have processed 11,073 workers out of a targeted 158,011 and are hoping to process a maximum of 1,000 workers per day to meet the deadline set for June 30, 2018.

Employers and workers, who have already registered for the verification process, should check their appointment on the Department of Employment website www.doe.go.th, its express site at express.doe.go.th or by calling 02-248-7290.

Department of Employment Director-General Anurak Tossarat, has urged all foreign laborers to complete their verification and registration process as soon as possible and told those who completed initial registration between March 5 and 31, but have yet to receive a permit, to search for their name at www.doe.go.th. The permits are necessary to continue the process at OSS centers.