Taylor’s triumph


Phoenix Members Golf Society

Tuesday (our main day), 13th November, started out on Lake/Ocean course with some reservations and fears of more storms and rain.  The day before had been horrendous with tales of courses in the area being waterlogged.

However Buddha smiled on us today and although there was a little cloud cover the rain stayed away.  With carts confined to paths only it was a sign of the amount of rain the course had soaked up.  And soak it up is what Phoenix does.

We implemented ‘clean and place’ rules for the fairways but in all honesty this course drains so well there was very little problem with loose impediments on your balls.

Tuesday’s winners pose with the staff at The Relax Bar. Tuesday’s winners pose with the staff at The Relax Bar.

Today was sponsored by KPK Food Services Ltd. and Paul Taylor returned the best score to claim first place and the KPK voucher with a steady 36 points.  Bill Hewitt had the same score but with a slightly poorer back nine to claim second place.  In third place was Mukesh Thakker with 35 points and in fourth was Peter Harris with 34 points.

Near pins went to Kevin Bird, Richard Baldwin, Granville Swanton and Hugh Byrne.

The lucky draw prizes, as always sponsored by our hosts The Relax Bar at Ban Amphur, were awarded to any non winners on the day and they were Art O’Conner, Jim Neilson and John (I never win the lucky draw) Bartley.

On Friday, November 16 we played the Lake/Ocean course again and the practice of Tuesday seemed to have assisted in better scoring today.  Peter Rawling came in all cock a hoop with a superb 42 points.  This was long overdue after a few weeks of struggling, however his joy was soon dampened a little when it was announced yours truly (Mike Gerrard) had scored a miraculous 43 points (gross 77).  This was the best gross score I had ever scored in Thailand, but it has to said there were a lot of long and outrageous putts sunk today.  Strangely enough two easy putts were missed.  Never mind, every dog has his day as they say.

In third place was Richard Baldwin on 37 points (usually enough to win) and in fourth place with the same points total was Kevin Bird.

Near pins today went to Richard Baldwin (2), Peter Rawling & Gary Strickleton.

Lucky draw (sponsored by The Relax Bar) went to Joris Goetschalkx (again), Peter Harris, Peter Wathall & Tom Parry.

You possibly know that I am the first to criticise bad courses and believe me, we had it bad at Phoenix about a year ago.  However, I have to report to all that Phoenix Golf Course is now possibly the best course in this area.  Not only are the views and interest stunning, the manicure is now superb, the greens are a good speed and perfectly true and the drainage in these times of heavy storms is second to none.

Guests who join our group can enjoy a discounted green fee of 1.000 Baht plus caddy as a guest of the members, should you wish to come along.  However, you must have an official handicap of no more than 28.  Beginners and non proficient players would not fit in with this group.

Note:  We also organise fortnightly sea fishing trips, so if anyone is interested please call me (Mike) on 087 091 7565 for more information.