Player puts on a show at Plutaluang


PSC golf from The Billabong Golf Bar

Monday, August 11, Crystal Bay – Stableford

With just a couple of groups playing at Crystal Bay, due to players thinking holiday rates and the course being full, we had a four and a half hour round, which isn’t too bad.

The locker rooms are being renovated here and are looking great but I think some money spent on the greens would be better placed.  This course is a favourite within this group as some of the members have had their best games here but the greens are practically impossible to putt on.

John Aylott, Mick Thomas & Owen Walkley.John Aylott, Mick Thomas & Owen Walkley.

Rosco Langoulant was the winner on the day with a great 38 points ahead of Owen Walkley in second with 37.  Third place went to Craig Wheeler with 36 points on a count back over Mal Farquharson, playing his best round for a long time.

Wednesday, August 13, Green Valley – Stableford

Green valley today and the course as usual was in grand condition, although the greens had some quirky little breaks and if you were above the hole it was quite tricky to get the ball close and make it stop.

We had a John Daly lookalike out with us and he actually walked the course, his first time walking in a long, long time but the bet back at the bar was that if he lost 16 kilos in the next 8 weeks Steve will give him a considerable amount of money for his new wardrobe.

Brian Maddox & John PlayerBrian Maddox & John Player

We didn’t have a big field but what we had certainly enjoyed themselves.  The scores were very consistent with 35 points being enough for third and fourth places, Jim Grieve taking the higher rung on the ladder on count back over John Aylott.  Mick Thomas came in second with a fine 36 points, but with a 4 for four points on the 18th hole Gus George took the top spot with 37.

There was only one ‘2’ today, coming from Sel Wegner on the 16th and we all heard the shout from the green!

Friday, August 15, Plutaluang – Stableford

Playing the Navy East and South we found the course in good condition but everyone was commenting on how low the lake is.  The water is so low that you can walk in and hit a golf ball from about 20 yards from where it would normally be under water.  In actual fact one of our group played his second shot from there, after much cajoling taking off his shoes and socks and proceeding to play bare foot, albeit up to his ankles in mud.  Tiger Woods couldn’t have done better.

In third place today was Brian Maddox with a fine 34 points, being beaten on a count back by Brett Pennington.  First place went to John Player with a whopping 40 points, now that is a score on this course without doubt.  There was only one ‘2’, coming from Tony Baker from about 25 yards off the green, a really great chip and it never looked like missing.

Note:  The Billabong is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.  Give Bob a call on 082 204 3411 if you are looking for a game.