Dusit Thani College celebrates Teacher’s Day


Dusit Thani College students kicked off the new academic year with a traditional “wai khru” ceremony in which students pay respect to their teachers for the upcoming term.

College Director Sakda Kanchanawanawan, Assistant Director Siripong Rakmai, teachers and representatives from the Pattaya Education Office attended June 28 – a Thursday, as that is the day for Brihaspati, the Vedic god of wisdom and teachers – to perform the wai khru, which is done in most Thai educational institutes at the start of each year.

Students representatives present flowers to their teachers as a show of respect during the wai khru ceremony. Students representatives present flowers to their teachers as a show of respect during the wai khru ceremony.

Typical festivities feature students presenting trays of flowers, incense and candles. The idea is that while the ixora, eggplant and Bermuda grass may not be especially beautiful on their own, together they comprise a lovely arrangement. The flowers also are symbols of intellectuality, progression, and susceptible patience. Wai khru ceremonies also see students recite a Buddhist prayer and wai khru chant, which expresses respect and gratitude for the teachers and asks for their blessing of the students’ studies.

A satellite of Bangkok’s Dusit Thani College, the Pattaya branch offers three degree programs: Bachelor of Business Administration in Hotel and Resort Management, Bachelor of Business Administration in Culinary Arts, and Bachelor of Business Administration in MICE and Events Management.

The college has 30-40 in each of its programs, hailing from Thailand as well as China, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, the Philippines, South Korea and the United States.