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Her Majesty the Queen’s address to volunteer groups on Saturday 23rd April 2005 at Chitlada Palace

Scout leaders from 23 countries tour Sattahip in preparation for jamboree

Her Majesty the Queen’s address to volunteer groups on Saturday 23rd April 2005 at Chitlada Palace

Original text Courtesy of the Bureau of the Royal Household

10 March 2002 - Her Majesty the Queen conversing with Forest Volunteers who came to receive colors in recognition of their forest conservation activities, Tung Jee Village, Muang Pan District, Lampang Province.

I would like to thank the Village Scouts, members of the Thai Volunteers for National Defense, members of Volunteer Citizens for Self-defense Development, members of Support for National Security, members of Volunteers for Forest Protection and members of Village Protection Volunteers who came to meet me and give their best wishes with such lovely words for my 72nd birthday.

After much consideration, I invited you today because I would like to ask for your cooperation. I really worry about our country when I hear about the many bombs in Had Yai district in Songkhla province. Had Yai has many tourists and we have income from them. If we let this continue and expand, then our income from tourists will decrease and cause economic problems. We suffered from the disaster of the tsunami in December last year, but everybody understands that was a natural disaster. The explosion at the airport and other places I think is really dangerous for our country’s economy and finances, and for the lives of the public.

I remember your pledge that you gave to His majesty the King and I to be loyal to the nation, religion and the King, and to be united to protect our land. I ask you to keep your word to be the power that protects our country. Don’t just be a silent while terrible things are happening to our country.

Right now there is a dangerous calamity in the South. It is not caused by nature but by cruel people. They can kill their compatriots in a way that reveals them to be inhuman.

I have asked government representatives, private organizations and private groups who have gathered here for their ideas and to send their thoughts to support and cheer up our compatriots in the three Southern provinces. Don’t feel lonely and know that all of us worry and share their difficult situation. Unfortunately, the bad people still continue. Officers and villagers face the same problems. The latest events were in Had Yai, where a bomb exploded at the international airport, a department store, and a hotel. There were many deaths and injuries. The ruthless people didn’t care that it would affect the innocent, women, old people or children. It can be said and condemned that they were irreligious, inhuman, immoral, and cruel like no normal human. They have no pity for anyone.

I believe that these people don’t have only bad intentions to kill humans, but they also have negative intentions for our country. If the events are repeated again and again, Thailand will be deserted and impoverished. Nobody could visit our country with tranquility because they would worry about being victims of bombs, becoming crippled or losing their lives. I think that this situation is detrimental and dangerous for our country.

All of you have pledged in front of His majesty the King that you will protect our country. The appropriate time has arrived, and therefore I have invited you to listen and become aware that Thailand faces danger now. If they continue to blow up other places, then our economic and financial situation will worsen. Who would then want to visit our country, no matter how beautiful it is? All visitors admire our country’s beauty, and I hear them say that Thai people are the loveliest and kindest, that they have tenderness and care for everyone.

We had a good example with the tsunami. The entire world applauded our patience and bravery, and the way in which we acted to help those caught up in the disaster. This reputation made me so proud and I would like to thank all Thai people because you acted perfectly as Thai citizens. This gives others trust in our country, so that they will wish to visit us to learn more about us. Their visit can help our businesses and commerce to flourish.

Tourism is the main factor bringing money into our country. When overseas visitors arrive they see the beauty of the country and they learn about us. This therefore goes beyond business, for it fosters friendships with other nations.

I receive word of daily killings in the South and it is not only one person a day. It has increased to four to five people each day, and the number is increasing day by day. This has made me realize that Thailand is really in a critical situation. I didn’t know with whom I could ask or speak to for help, when suddenly I remembered your declaration in front of the King that you are ready to protect our country and the Thai people.

I don’t have the intention and would never think of encouraging you to take up arms and kill or subjugate others. Not at all, because we are Thai and our duty is not to subjugate anybody. I only ask you to not be indifferent. To remain in silence is very dangerous for our country. We have to show everybody that we know and realize the harm to our country and share our Southern compatriots’ feelings that they have to face every day. I think it is our duty to protect our country, but we don’t need to fight with arms. We must only express our worry and be united to condemn their inhuman actions and realize that we can’t accept their behavior to kill and injure the innocent.

The solution falls on Thailand and all Thai people. We should be united to observe and help the officers by giving notice of all suspects that can be harmful to our country. We have to help our compatriots to not lose their lives, be injured, and be informed of obstructions to their professional performance. We, the Thai people will gather and be unified for the protection and upholding our laws without carrying any arms to bring peace back to our three Southern provinces as soon as possible.

We can help our innocent Thai compatriots to have a normal life and stay in our homeland safely. If all of us can be united and have the same goal and purpose, then we can condemn the bad people and tell them that we can’t accept their behavior because it is very cruel and affects our people and the country. We all swore that we would protect our country. If everybody has the same thinking and conduct, then all villagers will have peace and feel relieved because we shall support and help each other. I really want Thailand to return to peace and be full of smiles the same as before.

All foreigners who know our country always say that Thai people are special, gentle but valiant, and ready to be friends with everybody. We have a beautiful topography including mountains, seas, nice beaches, a wonderful culture, tradition, and art. We warmly welcome all foreign visitors, full of smiles. Our behavior is admired and appreciated by all visitors, who then want to come back again. This can bring immense income to our country, and we can be sure that this income will allow our people to have a good life. If we stay in silence when some of us face trouble, then our country will be marked as a dangerous country very soon, and no one from other countries will set foot here. Right now some countries already have that feeling.

If Thais lose the income that we can earn from tourism, then our country will be classified as an impoverished country very quickly. Our prosperity will decline and we will be as we were in the past. We have been able to use our income from tourism to develop our country and to help stabilize our economy.

Each time when we have had a disaster, all Thai people gathered together without any hesitation, such as during the tsunami tragedy. This event spread our good name into every corner of the world. The world applauded our courage and unity, even though some of them were also victims of that tragic event. I heard so many positive echoes from many countries. I feel so proud to be Thai because Thai people have such a good reputation.

I was so unhappy when I heard about the bombs in the South and also people being killed everyday. Even though we were still sad and suffering from the natural disaster in the South, the inhuman people didn’t stop to mourn all those who were killed. They didn’t have any feelings, and continued their ruthless conduct. I was really frightened about the bombing, because it can destroy our country’s future.

All Thais have to face economic and business problems. We sometimes have trouble conducting our ordinary lives. If we go back to poverty, then nobody will dare come to Thailand and support Thai goods or visit our lovely temples and all the other marvelous things. I request you to think and follow my words.

I want to repeat that I don’t have the intention for anyone to fight the enemy with arms. That is not the right method. We should run everything correctly and build up our reputation for being brave and kind, and to always be united. Your condemnation of these cruel people shall be heard throughout the world more than the bullying of our Thai people, who conduct themselves correctly and who survive honestly.

Now is the right time for us to be united and not to stay in silence. We must gather our power to protect Thailand without using any arms. We should condemn these cruel and inhuman people. All of you who I have invited today have already sworn to give something back to the homeland. I fully hope that you will be united now in protecting and reviving our reputation for our future generations forever.

I wish all of you happiness and success in your duties and family life. May the 50 years merit making that I have performed and spread to the people bring you happiness and prosperity. Have a safe journey back home. Thank you very much, thank you everybody.”

Scout leaders from 23 countries tour Sattahip in preparation for jamboree

Suchada Tupchai

Members of the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee and leaders of overseas Scout groups have undertaken a site inspection of the venue for the 25th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree, to be held in Had Yao, Sattahip, at the end of December.

Deputy Minister of Education Piyabutr Cholvijarn (right) converses a member of the APR scout committee.

The visit, which took place over the period July 27 to August 2, included 150 Scouting representatives from 23 countries led by Eric Khoo, chairman 2004-2007 for the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee World Organization of Scout Movements, and APR director Abdullah Rasheed.

Delegates also had the opportunity to see the arrangements made for the 17th National Scout Jamboree of Thailand 2005, and Red Cross Youth Gathering 2005, which was held from July 25-31 at Had Yao.

Eric Khoo (right), chairman 2004-07 APR Scout Committee World Organization of Scout Movement chats with Prapatpong Senarith (center), jamboree director and Pratheep Malhotra (left).

The 25th Asia-Pacific Jamboree, to be held under the concept, “Scouting: the Road to Peace”, will be held from December 28 to January 3.

Minister of Education Adisai Bodharamik, who is also chairman of the National Scout Executive Board, had invited the group to inspect the location and the various facilities. Sutham Phanthusak, international commissioner of the National Scouting Organizing in Thailand, was there to welcome the leaders.

Eric Khoo, 2004-07 Asia Pacific Regional Scout Committee World Organization of Scout Movement chairman, presents a souvenir to the welcome party host, Chattan Kunjara na Ayudhaya, chairman of TAT Central Region 3.

On their first day the group stayed at Au-Dongtan Lodging, on the Sattahip Naval Base, and enjoyed a welcoming party in the evening.

Education Deputy Minister Piyabutr Cholvijarn and chairman of TAT Central Region 3 Chattan Kunjara na Ayudhaya were their hosts at a reception at Sala Rim Nam, in the Pattaya Marriott Resort and Spa Hotel.

Chattan Kunjara na Ayudhaya (right), Director of TAT Central Region 3 presents a souvenir to Deputy Minister of Education Piyabutr Cholvijarn (left).

“The 25th Asia-Pacific Region Scout Jamboree is an important milestone in the development of scouts in this area,” said Piyabutr. “The Ministry of Education in Thailand has wholeheartedly supported this jamboree, and all of the previous jamborees, as we believe that these are an integral part of international Scouting today, and integral parts in the process of growing up for our youth.”

The message and ideas of the founder of Scouting, Lord Baden-Powell, are just as important today as they were seventy-one years ago, he said. Baden-Powell had said: “The outstanding need in the upbringing of youth today is an adequate system of health culture. It is easy enough to give the youngsters pleasure by taking them to cinemas or parties, but that is merely giving them pleasure in a moment - it is not happiness. Take them out of society to be with nature and see something of the rest of the world; to appreciate the beauty around them; to give them health and happy companionship, and to introduce them to the satisfaction gained from helping others.

Sutham Phanthusak (left), international commissioner of NSO Thailand, welcomes Edward Cook to the farewell party at the Woodlands Resort.

“On the threshold of adult discovery, including one’s own personality, exploration and discoveries are particularly relevant in the life of young people. Scouting provides that rare experience for all of them.”

On July 30 the group toured Pattaya, calling in at Nong Nooch Garden, and then visited the National Scout Jamboree No 17 at Hard Yao. They visited View Point and the surrounding area, and then with jamboree executive director Prapatpong Senarith discussed various practicalities such as the provision of the various food types required by the different cultures and countries that the Scouts will be representing.

In the evening a reception was held with Chonburi Deputy Governor Weerawit Wiwatwanich as presenter.

Deputy Minister of Education Piyabutr Cholvijarn (3rd from right), Pattaya Mail MD Pratheep Malhotra (2nd from left), Dr. Prapatpong Senarith (3rd from left), 25th Asia-Pacific Regional Jamboree director and representatives of the National Scout Organization of Thailand at the welcome party at Pattaya Marriott Resort & Spa.

“I am glad you have had the opportunity to inspect the camp site in the naval reserve at Sattahip. This is a real Scout camp, as founder Lord Baden-Powell would have imagined it should be. The bush lands surrounding the main ‘village’ will make it possible for many city dwellers to enjoy the real excitement of camping and getting to know nature,” said Weerawit.

Members of the Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Committee and leaders of Overseas Scout groups gather at the welcome party at Pattaya Marriott Resort & Spa.

“This is precisely what the 25th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree can offer your country’s Scouts. An opportunity to be with nature, but in a safe and supervised environment. Nobody wants their children to be in danger, but we do want them to grow by experiencing ‘real’ life, not the concrete jungles of the urban sprawls.

“Your Scouts will come to the Sattahip camp to learn about bush craft, and living and communicating with their Scouting brothers and sisters from all over.”

Some of the guests tried their hand at dancing with the beautiful Thai dancers at the farewell party at Woodlands Resort.

After the party all groups went to join the closing ceremony of the 17th National Scout Jamboree of Thailand 2005, and Red Cross Youth Gathering 2005.

This jamboree was held to celebrate the vice president of the Red Cross Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn’s 50th birthday this year, and the 80th birthday of Her Royal Highness Princess Petcharatana Ratchasuda Sirisophapannawadee, patron of the National Scouts.

About 6,550 Scouts, Girl Guides, Thailand commanders, and Scouts from Hong Kong, Pakistan and Bangladesh took part in the jubilee. The closing ceremony included a rousing show from the Scouts and Girl Guides.

July 31 was the last day of studying and observation. The group went to Koh Kham, which will be one of the venues, and in the evening attended a farewell party at the Woodland Resort in Pattaya. Mayor Niran Wattanasartsathorn and the president of the Eastern Thai Hotel Association Buntharik Kusolwit led the reception, which included a Thai cultural show.

The young Thai Scouts and Guides truly enjoyed the festivities.

The farewell party at the Woodlands Resort was a night to remember.

Sutham Phanthusak (right), international commissioner of NSO Thailand, introduces Chonburi Deputy Governor Weerawit Wiwatwanich, hosted of the welcome party at the Au-Dongtan Building, at Sattahip Naval Base.

Chonburi Deputy Governor Weerawit Wiwatwanich presents a souvenir to Eric Khoo.

Mayor Niran Wattanasartsathorn (right) receives a token of appreciation from Simon Hang Bock Phee, chairman of the management sub committee 2004-2007.

Eric Khoo thanks the entertainers for the great show they put on at the farewell party at the Woodlands Resort.

“Welcome to Thailand!” Sutham Phanthusak, Eric Khoo and the dancers say, “Come back soon!”

Edward Cook receives a souvenir from Bundarik Kusolvitya (right), president of the Thai Hotels Association - Eastern Chapter at the farewell party at the Woodlands Resort in Pattaya.

The beautiful jamboree site offers Scouts the opportunity to be with nature in a safe and supervised environment.

(L to R) Sutham Phanthusak, Deputy Governor Weerawit Wiwatwanich and Eric Khoo.

The APR Jamboree committee, led by Prapatpong Senarith (2nd left), jamboree director, met to discuss the readiness of the Had Yao site.