Yala holds event to urge child rights protection


YALA – Various agencies in the southernmost province of Yala have co-organized an event to raise the level of public participation in the protection of the rights of children in the far south.


The event, entitled A Beautiful Children Rights’ Day: Child Protection, took place at Yala Rajabhat University. Around 1,200 people, including social workers, teachers, parents and students took part in the activity. The objectives were to encourage relevant bodies to join forces to safeguard Southern children and promote the children’s place in the peace process and self-protection.

The event featured a special lecture on child rights, a prize draw and games. Food and drinks were also available free at the venue. Mariam Chaisantana, a peace campaigner in Yala said she hoped to see all sectors work together to build a safe zone that enabled children to enjoy their lives without threat from external discord.

Meanwhile, Asama Yuso and Surainee Salae, students from Krong Pinang district said they were happy to take part in the activity, adding that they were so proud to be born in the verdant southernmost region. The pair also asked all parents to place importance on their children’s education so that youngsters wouldn’t be easily misled by ill-intentioned people.