Surat Thani stresses strict law enforcement measures to reduce and prevent accidents during Songkran


SURAT THANI – Surat Thani province stresses strict law enforcement measures at the meeting of the committee of the Center for the Prevention and Reduction of Road, Water and Air Traffic Accidents on Songkran festival 2017.

Thailand News - 17-04-17 1 NNT Surat Thani stresses strict law enforcement measures to reduce and prevent accidents during Songkran 1JPG

Surat Thani Governor Uaychai Innak has assigned Surat Thani Deputy Governor Witchawut Jinto to chair the meeting which has stressed strict law enforcement measures against driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding, not fastening their seat-belts and not wearing a helmet.

Agencies under the Ministry of Transport and local administrative organizations have been assigned to inspect roads in their areas of responsibility especially areas with repeated occurrences of accidents.

From 11-15 April 2017, there were a total of 62 accidents, 65 injuries and 5 deaths. On 15 April 2017 alone, there were 12 accidents, 17 injuries and no deaths.