Supreme Court holds third hearing in rice-pledging scheme suit


The Supreme Court’s Political Position Holders Division has held the third hearing for the Office of the Attorney General’s (OAG) case of negligence leading to corruption in the national rice scheme against former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.


The third hearing in the case seeking fault against the former premier for allowing rampant corruption within her government’s rice-pledging scheme saw 2 new witnesses giving statements. The two were Sumet Laomoraporn, chief executive officer of CP Intertrade Co. Ltd., and Chai Wacharong, an independent academic.

Ex-Prime Minister Yingluck was present for the hearing on Friday and took the opportunity to voice her agreement towards the government’s decision not to use Article 44 of the interim constitution to seek further damages over the failed scheme. She also noted her opposition to a former Democrat party member preparing to make the monetary damage total of the scheme public, saying the figures could sway public sentiment and would be inappropriate.