Study shows brain ages quicker for those working night shift


BANGKOK, 5 August 2015, A recent study reported by local media has revealed that those who work the night shift for an extended period of time induce a faster brain aging process than those who work regular hours.

The study indicated that brain damage is especially visible in cases where the patients had been working odd hours for longer than 10 years. According to the findings, a brain in such working conditions would age six and a half years faster than the brain of someone working in regular hours.

It stated that working a nocturnal schedule disrupts the body’s biological clock and deprives it of Vitamin-D, which mainly come from exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, eating food in the middle of the night keeps sugar and fat in the system longer than food eaten during the day. This increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease by a factor of 1.5 over someone working a regular daytime schedule.

Scientists indicated that those who regularly work the night shift may require at least five years for their brain to recover from the damage of their nocturnal lifestyle by returning to a normal sleep cycle.