Pheu Thai wants House to consider amnesty first


BANGKOK, 17 April 2013- A meeting of the ruling Pheu Thai Party has resolved to move the amnesty bill to the first item on the agenda of the House meeting on 18 April 2013 so that Parliament can review the bill in the next parliament session. 

During its meeting on Wednesday, Pheu Thai agreed that the party should focus on the issue of amnesty and support the amnesty bill drafted by MP Worachai Hema. The party decided to request the House of Representatives to consider the amnesty bill before other matters during the 18 April meeting.

The Pheu Thai Party also saw that the bill should aim to help civilians charged with political offenses first while amnesty for protest leaders will be sought on the next occasion.

Regarding the Constitution Court’s acceptance of a petition against the government’s move to amend Section 68 of the charter, Pheu Thai viewed that Parliament had the power the revise the constitution and it would not have to abide by the court’s decisions on the matter.