Navy Commander-in-Chief requests the media to report constructively


BANGKOK, 5 November 2014 – The Royal Thai Navy Commander-in-Chief has denied any rumors of silent groups that may stir up unrest in the country and urged the Thai media to report constructively for the country’s benefit.

Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Kraisorn Chansuwanit declared that he would provide support to all members of the Constitutional Drafting Committee (CDC) to perform their duties up to the fullest potential.

He also expressed that the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) has selected the best representatives for the CDC in order to resolve the country’s problems and requested the public to be patient with the committee’s work progress, as they only have been recently established.

When questioned about General Prayut Chan-o-cha’s concerns over possible groups who may create a dissention, Admiral Kraisorn replied that the Prime Minister had simply expressed his views in order to be better prepared against possible conflicts that could arise.

Lastly, has requested the media to present their news in a constructive and unbiased manner to prevent a social divide. That way, he said, the country can move forward.