Lottery ticket quotas revoked for Thai vendors who resell to ‘Blue Dragon’

GLO board member Lt Col Noon Sansanakom explained that vendors who resell tickets to online distributors are considered in violation of their contract while more than 7,000 vendors have seen their quotas revoked for the upcoming May 2 rotation.

Lottery ticket vendors who resold their tickets to online ticket vendor Blue Dragon have staged a protest at the Government Lottery Office (GLO). They later submitted a letter to Finance Minister Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, asking him to review the GLO board.

The move on Monday (25 Apr) came after their ticket quota was revoked for reselling tickets to the online vendors.

GLO board member Lt Col Noon Sansanakom explained that vendors who resell tickets to online distributors are considered in violation of their contract. More than 7,000 vendors have seen their quotas revoked for the upcoming May 2 rotation.

The GLO board member said quotas will also be revoked for vendors who have been reselling tickets to other online distributors. These quotas will then be allocated to retailers through the government’s Pao Tang e-wallet app. The lottery vending feature in the app will be available soon.

Lt Col Noon said the list of violating vendors was provided by the police, while reiterating that it is the duty of the GLO to punish violators. He noted that those who feel the move is unjust can petition for an appeal. (NNT)