Landlord hires gang to remove business belongings


Police were called to soi 5 off of beach road just after midnight on the 3rd of October as 3 businesses had had all their fittings and property removed.

This wasn’t a simple case of burglary; this was a clear threat that the business owners have to clear out of their premises so that the building can be torn down to make way for a condo.

The three business owners state their case to the police.

At the scene the officers found that the ransacked companies are located in a one-floor commercial building consisting of 10 units in total.

The Power Waves Estate Company owned by Mrs. Manasnath Jaikhongsuwant,  the Paul Couture Tailor owned by Ms. Davy Susiwaporn and Mr. Boonlord Maiwong the owner of the Fai Beauty Salon were waiting to give their statements to the police and journalists.

Five men had forcibly removed the contents of the businesses and fled when they realized that the police were en route.

They had left their tools and crow bars which the police took as evidence.

Mrs. Manasnan stated that she had signed a 2-room contract with the owner of the commercial building Mrs. Khawnjai Upra, to launch her real estate business she was paying 10,000 baht per month on a yearly contract and that the owner had promised her 3-5 years continuous rental, therefore she had invested over 100,000 baht in interior design.

However upon completion of the one year contract on the 16th of September Mrs. Khwanjai stated that she would not renew the contract as she had sold the plot to a businessman in Pattaya who was going to build a luxury condominium, there fore she hired a gang to start removing all the fixtures and fittings as well as the stock.

There was to be a court hearing regarding the contracts on the following day but it seems that the owner wanted to make an example of the three business owners.

Pol. Lt. Col. Natthawat inspected the scene and stated that despite the ongoing dispute this was simple case of breaking and entering and has asked the three business owners to make a full inventory of their losses.

In the meantime the owner of the building has been invited in for questioning to try and find a solution to this case.