Health Ministry conference in tribute to royal contributions to public health


BANGKOK – The International Conference on Advancement in Health Sciences, Education and the Professions : Synergy and Reform for Better Health (IHSEP2019) has opened in Bangkok, in Celebration of the Royal Coronation earlier this year.

The Public Health Minister said today the Ministry of Public Health had planned this international conference on the auspicious occasion of the Royal Coronation Ceremony this year, in tribute to the royal contributions of the Chakri dynasty to Thailand’s public heath and medical professions, especially the royal projects which have helped in eradicating hardships and promoting healthy livelihoods in rural communities.

The conference also serves as a platform for the exchange of research and health innovations, creating an international academic cooperative network, ensuring the preparedness of medical and healthcare professionals who will play important roles in the reformation of Thailand’s healthcare system, with the goal of making Thai people healthier, providing better and easier access to healthcare services, reducing medical costs, having an adequate amount of well trained staff in all branches of the healthcare system, whose knowledge can be fully accessed, and to promote research and innovation in a development oriented approach, among medical professionals to improve diagnostic and other services.

The Ministry of Public Health’s permanent secretary, Dr. Jetsada Chokdamrongsuk, said the conference today has been organized by the Praboromarajchanok Institute of Health Workforce Development and the alumni association of Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nonthaburi, with the cooperation of 15 agencies from China, Japan, Indonesia, Laos, New Zealand, England, United States, and Singapore, with participants including experts, teachers, researchers, and students from United Kingdom, United States, Sweden, Laos, China, New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand.

The Praboromarajchanok Institute of Health Workforce Development currently has 39 colleges across the country under its supervision, namely 30 nursing colleges, seven public health colleges, the Kanchanabhishek Institute of Medical and Public Health Technology, and Abhaibhubejhr College of Thai Traditional Medicine.