Gusty winds cause damages on fruit orchards


CHANTHABURI – Fruit growers in many provinces have reported extensive damages on their farms due to the impact of strong winds while assistance is being distributed by local authorities.

The cold, breezy condition across the country during the past couple of days has affected agriculturalists in many areas. Local authorities have encouraged them to implement measures to protect their crops and livestock from potential damage.

Many durian growers in Mueang district of Chanthaburi are rushing to collect their fruits from the trees earlier than usual as a precautionary measure. Damages on fruit orchards as well as residences have already been found in seven districts of the province. Officials from the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation and other related agencies are currently conducting damage assessments and providing initial assistance to the affected.

Meanwhile, in Saraburi, residents who make a living from fish farming on the Pa Sak River claimed that the drastic decline in temperatures has caused their fish to stop eating. Officials from the Provincial Office of Fisheries have visited the farmers to provide them with useful advice, urging them to pay close attention to their fish during this period.