Chariot for late king’s ashes gilded, decorated with mirrors


The Office of Traditional Arts has commenced the gilding and decorating of Rachentarayan Palanquin to carry the ashes of His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej during the royal cremation ceremony.

The Office of Traditional Arts’ arts division chief Wichit Chaiwichit said progress in the restoration of the top section of Rachentarayan Palanquin and other chariots to be used in the royal cremation ceremony for His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej has been completed with decorating mirrors underway, while the main part of the palanquin is now being gilded.

The office is working to construct the minor Rachentarayan Palanquin to carry other cremated remains of His late Majesty. The small palanquin creation is now 50 percent complete, while the restoration of Phra Maha Pichai Ratcharot chariot to be used to carry the royal urn of His late Majesty in the cremation ceremonies is now 70 percent complete.

The construction of the cannon chariot is now underway and is expected to be complete in early June. The office is expecting all restoration and construction works of chariots to be completed by August in order to perform rehearsals of the royal cremation procession in early September.