CDC’s spokesman calls for reform of electoral system


BANGKOK, 16 June 2015 – The spokesman of the Constitution Drafting Committee has suggested that the National Reform Council should introduce the reform of the country’s electoral system.

Gen. Lertrat Ratanavanich, spokesman of the CDC and member of the NRC, on Monday joined in a debate over the report from the reform council’s political reform committee.

Gen. Lertrat said that the reform of the electoral system must start with the composition of the Election Commission, which should comprise 13 members who represent different groups.

He added that there should be more efforts to encourage more public participation, which is essential for the future success of Thai politics, given the people are always the heart of the political reform.

Gen. Lertrat’s opinions were in line with that of his fellow NRC member, Sungsidh Piriyarangsan, who added that any organization tasked with the investigation of political agencies and office holders must be really independent and free from intervention.