CDC Chairman : No plan to abolish village-Tambon chief positions under new charter


BANGKOK, 19 May 2015  – The Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee has assured that there is no part in the new charter that calls for the abolition of the positions of local administrative leaders.

CDC Chairman Borwornsak Uwanno on Monday accepted a petition from a network of local and community administration associations, who wished to show their support for the charter drafting process, particularly regarding the decentralization of power and the setting up of a large local administrative body with full authorization to manage their respective areas.

Mr. Borwornsak thanked the representatives of the network for their support and said that he believed a strong local community would play an important role in driving Thailand forward.

He also took the opportunity to calm upset village and Tambon chiefs who had earlier come out to protest the draft Charter as they believed their positions would be abolished when the new Constitution took effect.

The CDC Chairman assured them that there was no such a stipulation in the upcoming charter at all.