Bangkok, Sukhothai latest additions to UNESCO’s Creative City Network


BANGKOK – The UNESCO has selected Bangkok and Sukhothai as two new Creative Cities, while the PM has asked the Ministry of Interior to address complaints by the general public affected by hawker regulations.

Government Spokesperson Narumon Pinyosinwat said, after the Cabinet meeting, that the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha has informed the Cabinet in about the selection of Bangkok and Sukhothai by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as two of 66 new additions to the Creative City Network, with Bangkok approved as a Design City, and Sukhothai as a Crafts and Folk Arts City.

The Prime Minister ordered the Ministry of Interior, responsible for the regulation of hawkers, to address complaints made by the general public affected by the regulations. The ministry is now tasked with regulating the street sales while providing approved retail spaces to the general public within this month.

At this meeting, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Warawut Silpa-archa proposed that members of the Cabinet, who will be travelling to Kanchanaburi and Ratchaburi on 11-12 November for a mobile Cabinet meeting on Loy Krathong Day, only use a single Krathong for the entire Cabinet to help reduce waste and pollution.