Taylor made at Bangpra


The Pattaya Golf Society (IPGC)at Rabbi’s Elephant Bar

What better way of beginning a golfing week than going with many friends to Bangpra to play a stableford event on the exquisite course!  The Pattaya Golf Society did just that on Monday, 18th June and found an empty course in excellent condition.  Currently the club is returfing the regular play tee boxes so many of the teeing areas were beyond those which are normally used, making the course long but it was nevertheless a fine experience with good paced greens.

In third place was a trio of golfing expertise comprising of Seil Revels, Joe Niisato and Ken Grimes, all recent winners and they found 30 points was enough to secure the position.  In second place was Dave Edwards with 31 points, still finding his golfing feet in Pattaya and the day belonged to Robbie Taylor, his 37 points being an excellent reward for some accurate driving.

There were no birdie ‘2’s and the Boss’s free beer draw was won by Bryan Barrell who coincidentally also picked up the Booby Bevy for the low score of the day.  An excellent start to any golfing week.