Oz has a quiet day


The Backyard Golf Society

A good turnout at Emerald on March 15, highlighted by the society discipline secretary, Mike ‘the taxi’, pointing out to the assembled players a few rules of golf and expected etiquette prior to their tee off.  

Singled out, unfairly some might say, was our Andy Oz, for too much ‘myxomatosis’ (rabbit) whilst on the course.  Greatly offended, Oz stormed off down the first fairway, keeping himself to himself and without holding the caddy’s hand once or promising her things he couldn’t deliver.  His two partners, Mike the Taxi and Martin, were shocked at this new behaviour and even more shocked as Oz romped home with 40pts.  Here endeth the lesson.

Friday’s top three pose with the staff at Blue Sky Bar.Friday’s top three pose with the staff at Blue Sky Bar.

Don ‘the divorcer’ and Tom ‘the bandit’ we’re close behind with 36 and 35 pts respectively.

The near pin went to Mickey while Randy cleaned up the skins with his only decent hole of the day at the 17th.  He had 12 skins, Martin got 3, Tom 2 and Don 1.

Then it was down to BC where the winner and Randy bought the boys a drink with their ill gotten gains.  We said farewell to Randy who will be back in Canada by the time this gets to print.  He said he will be bringing his brother next time he comes.  Apparently he is the opposite of Randy in looks and personality, must be a good looking, soft spoken, quiet, French Canadian loving sort of guy with a sense of humour.

Mike ‘the taxi’ wants to remind everyone that slow play will not be tolerated.