O’Keefe shoots best of the week


Monday, Jan. 9, Burapha – Stableford

Playing on the A & B courses today, the scoring wasn’t as high generally as what we usually see on this course due to a few heavy clouds moving about and generally wet conditions after the heavy rains on the weekend.  Our group was really lucky, the last group barely getting in just before the heavens opened again.

In the B division today, Barry Macintosh had 32 points which was good enough to make it into 3rd place.  Acco (David Atkinson) had 36 for his round to take 2nd place, and clear winner today was John O’Keefe, scoring a fabulous 42 points to make it to the top spot.

In A division, Sel Wegner had 38 points which was only good enough for 3rd place, edged out by Peter Nixon in 2nd with a better back 9.  Sugar Ray Handford is getting back to form and today returned a winning 39 points, beating out the competition once again.

There were three ‘2’s today, coming from Mel Hogan, KB (Jin Lee), and David Atkinson.

(From left) Seppo Kontio with Harri Tervo, Kim Danboise and Keith Allen.
(From left) Seppo Kontio with Harri Tervo, Kim Danboise and Keith Allen.

Friday, Jan. 13, Green Valley – Stableford

The only bad luck with this Friday the 13th was if you got the draw in the 10th group with such a large field!  Seems like the high season is in full swing and with us getting good support in preparation for our upcoming medal on the 20th, it was our 2nd sampling of the redesigned layout at Green Valley. Now people are complaining about the new hole handicaps etc., something which I hope the management gets right over a period of time.

Veli-matti Laaksonen had 33 points to take 5th place in B division while going one place better in 4th was Eng (Sunanta) Cotterell with 35 points.  3rd place went to Fred Birchwith an even par 36 points, being beaten on a count back by Eddy Beilby.  The winner of the division was Harri Tervo with a fabulous 39 points.

In the top flight, Sugar Ray Handford scored 34 points for 5th place while Peter le Noury had 35 for 4th, losing on count back to Seppo Kontio in 3rd.  A man who has been playing a lot of golf and spending more time on the driving range recently is Kim Danboise and today his 36 points got him 2nd place.  Top spot went to Keith Allen who played a great game with 38 points.

Jim Getty and JP Maffray cleaned up on the ‘2’ with a large field and a large pot.