High scores all round at Riverside


PSC golf from Café Kronborg

Monday, March 10, Khao Kheow B & C – Stableford

Khao Kheow was the game today and we set off on C1 under sunny skies and with an unseasonably strong wind out of the south.  The course was in good shape but some closely mown areas needed to be cut.  It was not busy so we raced around in 4 hours and 5 minutes.

Two flights today with the cut at handicap 20 and a full set of pins.  Torben Sorensen won the A Flight with 35 points, then a three way count back on 34 saw Peter Bygballe in second, Leif Kirfgaard take third and Mashi Kaneta finish fourth.

Torben Sorensen and Peter Hammond with Dave Richardson.

Peter Hammond won the B Flight with an even par 36 points, two ahead of Mike Winfield in second while Steen Habersaat took third with 32 and Jack Robertson was fourth with 31.

A Flight (0-20)

1st Torben Sorensen (19) 35pts

2nd Peter Bygballe (18) 34pts

3rd leif kirkgaard (18) 34pts

4th Mashi Kaneta (13) 34pts

B Flight (21+)

1st Peter Hammond (25) 36pts

2nd Mike Winfield (24) 34pts

3rd Steen Habersaat (25) 32pts

4th Jack Robertson (25) 31pts

Near Pins:  B3 Mike Winfield, B8 Hennig Olsen, C3 Kurt Sandgaard, C8 Steen Habersaat

Long Putts:  C9 Kaj Aabling

Thursday, March 13, Bangpakong – Stableford

It was off to one of our favorites today, the Bangpakong Riverside course, and after a quick check-in we were off under sunny skies but with a stiff breeze blowing.  The course was in exceptional condition, as always, but we got stuck behind some 5-balls in front which made it a 4 hour and 40 minute round.

Hennig Olsen and Mike Winfiekd with Dave Richardson.Hennig Olsen and Mike Winfiekd with Dave Richardson.

Henning Olsen took the A Flight honours on a count back from Mashi Kaneta, both fine scores of 40 points.  Then it was a four-way count back for third and fourth with Elias Magnusson taking third, Brian Gabe getting fourth and Tate Akifumi and Leif Kirkgaard just missing out

Mike Winfield won the B Flight with a fine 43 points, 2 ahead of Kurt Sandgaard in second, and Jack Robertson took third on 37 as Steen Habersaat edged Jan Lovgreen for fourth on count back, both with 36’s.

A Flight (0-19)

1st Henning Olsen (15) 40pts

2nd Mashi Kaneta (13) 40pts

3rd Elias Magnusson (19) 37pts

4th Brian Gabe (16) 37pts

B Flight (20+)

1st Mike Winfield (24) 43pts

2nd Kurt Sandgaard (29) 41pts

3rd Jack Robertson (25) 37pts

4th Steen Habersaat (25) 36pts

Near Pins:  #4 Mashi Kaneta, #7 Doug Maiko, #13 Steen Habersaat, #16 Henning Olsen

Long Putts:  #9 Kaj Aabling, #18 Jan Johansen

Note:  The annual ‘Papa’ Ray Rogers Memorial Scramble golf tournament will be held on May 8 at Plutaluang Golf Course.  Entry is THB500 with the bash back at the house.  The sign-up sheet goes up on April 24 at Cafe Kronborg.