Pattaya Sports Club restructures Executive Committee for 2020-21

The PSC Executive Committee for 2020-21. Seated (l-r) Dick Braimbridge, Tim Knight and Stan Reese. Standing (l-r) Jack Moseley, Geoff Couch, Nigel Cannon, Noi Emerson, Dave Smith and Peter Malhotra.

An extraordinary Executive Committee meeting was held on 22 August 2020 at the Pattaya Sports Club offices where President Peter Malhotra announced that after serving 2 years as president, he would step down to make way for a new team to manage and administer the PSC’s operations until the next Annual General Meeting.

Peter said, “As the coronavirus pandemic has caused a virtual shutdown of the country and after 2 unsuccessful attempts to hold the Annual General Meeting in June and in August, we realised that it is almost impossible to achieve a quorum of Elective Members to hold an AGM for the foreseeable future.

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“Yet it is imperative that we move forward with our plans and objectives for the 2020-21 administrative year.

“To put the plans and objectives in motion, we have to reorganise our Executive Committee. This will bring fresh ideas to implement sports and charity projects that will continue to be beneficial to our members and strengthen our work for the community.”

The Executive Committee unanimously elected Tim Knight to serve as President of the PSC Executive Committee for 2020-21 or until such time as an AGM can be held for the election of the President and other members of the Executive Committee.

President Tim Knight said, “Peter was a founder member of the club 40 years ago and as has served many long years as President of the Pattaya Sports Club Association and President of the PSC Executive Committee. We thank him and wish him well. We will still keep him close to the PSC so that we can continue to look to him for guidance and assistance in our work to Promote Sports and Support Local Charities.”

The Executive Committee for 2020-21 are the following: President-Tim Knight, Vice President-Stan Reese, Treasurer-Glyn Davies, Treasurer-Dick Braimbridge, Golf Chairman-Jack Moseley, Charity Chairperson-Noi Emerson, Public Relations-Peter Malhotra, Social Chairman-Dave Smith and Registrar-Geoff Couch. Mike Johnston remains in the Founders’ Chair with Bernie Tuppin as Acting Founders’ Chair. Nigel Cannon remains as Senior Advisor.