Pattaya Sports Club Bunker Boys Golf report Nov 28-30-Dec 2

Gary Smith, winner at Plutaluang Golf Course, Kob Glover, winner at Emerald Golf Course and Niall Glover, winner at Pattavia Golf Course

Monday, November 28
Plutaluang East & South
1st Gary Smith (9) 35 points
2nd Keith Norman (15) 35 points
3rd Michael Brett (17) 33 points
Near pins Brendan Hartnett, & Keith Norman X 2.

A rare visit to the navy course today where we opted to play the East and South nines. Looking around we could see the course was the busiest we have seen in a long time, even the North and West nines looked crowded. Overall the course was in decent shape although the fairways were a bit wet in places, the rough was in need of mowing, and the greens whilst they looked fine were a bit bumpy having been cored some time ago but not sanded properly.

Speed of play could best be described as leisurely with holdups common, still, we managed to get it done in about four plus hours. Gary Smith and Keith Norman were locked together on thirty-five points with Gary taking it on countback, Michael Brett took third with thirty-three points Brendan Hartnett got a near pin with Keith taking two and one going to the most deserving of causes, the delinquent fund.

Our efforts to keep golfing fees reasonable have been met with a mixed reaction, with some preferring to pay a bit extra to play the better courses and avoiding the budget courses. With some courses setting their high season pricing ridiculously high it is increasingly difficult to get the mix right, one thing is for sure, you can’t satisfy all the people all the time.

Wednesday, November 30
Emerald Golf Course
1st Kob Glover (19) 38 points
2nd Michael Brett (17) 34 points
3rd Niall Glover (13) 34 points
4th Bil Richardson (17) 33 points
Near pins Sam Gershon, Kob Glover, & Geoff Parker X 2.

The Emerald course was in decent condition today apart from the greens which were a bit of a mixed bag. Some had been heavily sanded very recently and very a bit of a lottery, others were much slower than they looked and again tricked up some people. Overall the course at current pricing was reasonable value although once again we had a few regulars stay away because they don’t like the course, it’s an impossible job the balance the need for better courses with the equally important need to provide value.

A reasonable field of seventeen fronted up for the challenge and sure enough, they were well challenged with very few posting a decent score. The only one to excel was Kob Glover who took first place with a fine thirty-eight points. Michael Brett took second on countback from Niall Glover, both on thirty-four points whilst Bil Richardson finished in fourth on thirty-three points. All the near pins were taken with one each to Sam Gershon and Kob Glover, with the rarely seen lately Geoff Parker taking two.

It seems almost unnecessary to say that Paul Smith was again golfer of the month, making it three in a row and five for the year so far, one would be foolhardy to bet against him making it six for the year which would be a record hard to surpass.

Friday, December 2nd
Pattavia Golf Course
1st Niall Glover (13) 37 points
2nd Paul Smith (1) 36 points
3rd John Hughes (22) 35 points
4th Mike Smith (19) 34 points
Near pins Ken Davidson, Paul Smith, & Craig Dows X 2.

Pattavia has become a sort of a favourite course for many at the Bunker, with reasonable green fees, a course that is usually in decent condition, and a course that is not too difficult to walk. In recent times it has become our most visited course for all of the above reasons. Today the course was fine as usual apart from the greens which were treacherous, any downhill putt that didn’t go in the hole was more often than not off the green again, only the best putters managed them.

A blustery wind blew all day and from all directions at different times adding to the degree of difficulty of the course, it did, however, keep the temperature moderate, when it was not blowing the temperature soared. With two other societies out before us, play was very pedestrian with the round taking almost four and a half hours to finish.

On his day Niall Glover putts as well as anyone and today he had his eye in taking first place with a fine round of thirty-seven points making it a double for the family this week. In remarkably consistent form and playing off a one-handicap Paul Smith took second place with thirty-six points to start a new month in ominous form having won the last three golfer of the month contests. A very decent round also from John Hughes who snared third place with thirty-five points with Mike Smith a stroke further back in fourth place. All the near pins were taken with one each to Ken Davidson and Paul Smith whilst Craig Dows took two, Ken’s was a particularly good shot on the fourth almost getting him an ace.