Swiss ambassador opens AHTCC’s sports, farm centers


Swiss Ambassador Christine Schraner-Burgener paid a visit to Pattaya’s Anti-Human Trafficking and Child Abuse Center to help open its sports and agricultural centers.

Thirty of the AHTCC’s children greeted the ambassador April 29, and, along with Director Parisorn Noja, welcomed the guests.

Schraner-Burgener said that the new facilities for sports and agriculture are equally important. She also said she is always happy to come back to the center, which she has visited several times already. She said that she appreciates Noja’s work because many children are saved and can look forward to a bright future.

After a children’s dance performance and a tour through the center, the guests headed back to Bangkok.

Swiss Ambassador Christine Schraner-Burgener cuts the ribbon to open the new venue. Next to her is Parisorn Noja and a few children.

Everyone gathers for a group picture at the end of the opening celebration.