Diana Group makes merit for New Year

The Diana Group, led by Managing Director Sopin Thappajug (right), begin 2018 with reverence, hosting a merit-making ceremony on New Year’s Day.
The Diana Group, led by Managing Director Sopin Thappajug (right), begin 2018 with reverence, hosting a merit-making ceremony on New Year’s Day.

The Diana Group began 2018 with reverence, hosting a merit-making ceremony on New Year’s Day.

Managing Director Sopin Thappajug led employees in the Jan. 1 “tak baht” ceremony with monks from Sutthawat Temple invited to chant and offer new year’s blessings.

The hotel group donated 494 kilograms of rice, which was donated to Baan Kru Ja to make merit. Director Palisorn Noja accepted the donation.

The ceremony was one of many New Year’s morning, with Pattaya sponsoring its own tak baht ceremony, with monks receiving alms at Lan Po Public Park and then proceeding to Central Road.