Diana Group goes on Buddhism pilgrimage to India and Nepal


Making a tour of India and Nepal, the head of Pattaya’s Diana Group and employees offered robes to monks at five temples.

Hotel group Managing Director Sopin Thappajug was joined by Klongdham Dhammapho and company directors at the Bodhi Gaya, Nalanda, Saranadh, and Kusinara Chalermraj Buddhist temples in India and Lumpini Temple in Nepal during the Nov. 15-23 trip.

Pattaya’s Diana Group offers robes to monks at Wat Thai Bodhi Gaya.Pattaya’s Diana Group offers robes to monks at Wat Thai Bodhi Gaya.

There they made merit by presenting monks with robes before joining them in meditation under papal trees for two nights to worship Lord Buddha.

The group also donated a large television, care and daily necessities to Punjasil School, which is under the care of Senior Monk Aniruj of Wat Thai Bodhi Gaya. More than 270 children attend the school.

The group then travelled to Kathmandu and Nagargot, Nepal, to pay respect Boudhanath Pagoda, another venue following the steps of Lord Buddha.

The group donates a large television, care and daily necessities to Punjasil School.The group donates a large television, care and daily necessities to Punjasil School.

Members of Pattaya’s Diana Group take a side trip to fly over Mt. Everest to see it first hand.Members of Pattaya’s Diana Group take a side trip to fly over Mt. Everest to see it first hand.