Redemptorist blind students parade for Buddhist Lent


Students and teachers at Pattaya’s Redemptorist School for the Blind marked the start of Buddhist Lent with a candle parade and donation to area monks.

Principal Aurora Sribuapun led the July 23 procession that also included volunteers and area residents. The group marched to Photisampan Temple in Naklua to present a Buddhist Lent candle and nine sets of monk necessities.

Aurora Sribuaphan (front row with cane), director of the Redemptorist School for the Blind, poses for a picture with her students. Aurora Sribuaphan (front row with cane), director of the Redemptorist School for the Blind, poses for a picture with her students.

The festive parade saw many participants dressed as Nang Noppamas with instruments playing traditional Thai music. Some groups carried banners promoting sports activities to counter drug use.

The parade made short stops to obtain sweet drinks from vendors around the temple, then proceeded with marchers singing the “Our School” song.

Students gather inside Photisampan Temple to begin the presentation of robes and necessities. Students gather inside Photisampan Temple to begin the presentation of robes and necessities.