Farewell to our oldest students


Garden International School (GIS) held a whole school assembly to say farewell to its oldest students.

Students in Year 13 are studying for their International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and their final official day at school was on April 25. The IB2 group (those in their second and final IB year) were given a surprise whole school assembly so everyone could say goodbye to them and wish them well.

The IB2 students’ siblings delivered a special message by singing for them.The IB2 students’ siblings delivered a special message by singing for them.

The IB2 group – the largest ever at GIS – was given a huge welcome by students and teachers into the Main Hall. Once they had recovered, the IB2s listened to a song performed by their younger brothers at sisters, heard video messages from their teachers and were given a fond farewell by their Form Tutors, Mr Gordon and Ms Tincombe.

Two of the IB2 students enjoying their farewell assembly.Two of the IB2 students enjoying their farewell assembly.

The GIS IB2 students were greeted with cheers and tickertape.The GIS IB2 students were greeted with cheers and tickertape.